

Your Birthday - born 16th, May

Today - discover the make-up of people born on 16th, May ! Tune in each and every day to see the traits and characteristics people born on different days of the year hold.

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Born today on the 16th, May :
May 16 makes a splash, likes a riot and is a fool for love. There are two main things for Mr and Mrs lemon meringue pie - sex and talk. The talk comes first, it's the meringue. Then you get to the sex, oodles of syrupy, delicious lemon cream. You can always spot a May 16 in any room. It's the person whose eyes are constantly darting across the assembly, looking for someone new to play with. This is a fun day, but a rum day. Subject to enthusiasms, for people as well as ideas, these individuals simply get irritatingly sidetracked. They can be gazing deep into a new conquest's dilated pupils, talking of love, plans and even presents. (May 16 likes to give a lover something sparkly to remember them by, so if they are rich expect a diamond, and if they are poor, gold and silver ribbons.) And the next day, when there should be an after dalliance telephone call, they are in fact off somewhere else gazing deep into another wide-eyed faunette. These girls and boys can't help it. These sybarites can be induced to stay a little longer by bribery of the senses. If a partner does something in bed that is new and exciting, then they will come back for more. Ration it a little, and like Sheherezade, who spun stories for 1001 nights to keep her husband from chopping off her head, and May 16 may just keep on coming. They have extra-sensitive ear lobes and they like to have them stroked, kissed and maybe licked with little circular movements of the tongue. Try placing the tips of your fingers at the base of their throat, just where the pulse is and gently, gently stroking. Rub the vertebrae at the middle of the spine. May 16 are good lovers, swift and sweet, but they like to be worked on rather than working hard themselves.
Body :

On an enchanted scented evening May 16 will be at their best. Both sexes adore the perfume of roses - blooming the day they were born - and their scent calms and excites them. Prepare rose water by adding drops of rose oil to a bottle of water, shaking vigorously. Pour it into bowls around the room, with some floating rose petals. Pick blooms from the garden (shop-bought have little perfume), and put a vase in each room. Use rose essence on strips of ribbon tied around chair legs, curtains and door handles, or draped over a warm radiator.
Mind :

'He slipped four doves, whose wings were saturate with scents all different in kind.., these doves wheeling in circles round let fall... a shower of sweet perfumery, drenching, bathing both clothes and furniture.' (Xenophanes, The Settler of Alexis)

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